You are done, now you can visit various tabs of the Application Details page for AAD on Zilla, to see what application data is brought in by sync, e.g.
tab will have details of user accounts that are brought in.If you see some errors or need further assistance, please contact Zilla Support.
Note: In some cases, the process of configuring and using the Azure Active Directory API through Zilla to sync permissions and users with your organization's AAD may be done by an Azure user with Global Reader permissions. When an Azure Global Reader makes the initial sync request the request will need to be approved within the Azure portal by a Global Administrator as shown in the steps below:
Step 1. Global Reader initiates Azure AD Sync to Zilla. A consent request will be created in the Azure AD portal.
Step 2. In Azure AD go to Enterprise Applications, then Admin Consent Requests. The pending request appears waiting for approval.
Step 3. The Global Administrator approves the permissions request.