The types of access reviews that can be created
How to define the users, applications and /or applications permissions to be included
Learning the The options for advanced campaign settings
Ways of enabling and controlling email notification and automated escalation
Creating the access review
Note: If selecting “Yes - Reviewers get an additional option to request a Change to the existing permission” for “Allow Requesting Permission Change”, any review marked as Change will be tracked on the Report tab as a Revoke.
Email notification settings
You can customize the message sent out to reviewers when the campaign is launched. The campaign can be programmed to automatically send out email notifications to reviewers whose reviews are overdue, or to escalate them to the reviewer’s manager. To enable and control these features, click the Edit link for Email Notifications.
Again, note that the campaign’s end date is soon enough that the number of days you enter here places escalation in the past, the escalation will happen immediately when the campaign starts.
Finally, it is possible to specify that all campaign monitors will receive copies of all campaign notifications. You can also limit these notifications to the case where a review item becomes (or is created as) unassigned to a reviewer.
Navigate to the preview tab to preview campaign before it is run.