Business roles: Automatically filtering access reviews using business roles
Designated Reviewers and Delegates: Fine-tuning review assignments with Designated Reviewers and Review Delegates
Assign Review to Resource Owner: Some permissions are resource permissions, having to do with access to or control of a particular application resource, such as a database. In some cases, these resources have a resource owner already defined. If “Assign Review to Resource Owner” is set to Yes, these review items will be automatically assigned to the resource owner. This setting takes precedence over Designated Reviewers, but not over delegation; that is, if the resource owner has a delegate, the delegate will be the reviewer.
Assign Review to Permission Owner: Some permissions (permissions, roles, groups, etc.) may have a permission owner already defined. (This can be set by editing the Available Permissions pane of the application’s Profile tab, as described in https://zilla.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ZILLASUP/pages/edit-v2/2352775169?draftShareId=ddaf37c2-6f29-4d65-9ab1-a8a213d1d509 ). If “Assign Review to Permission Owner” is set to Yes, these review items will be automatically assigned to the permission owner. This setting takes precedence over assignment to Designated Reviewers and Resource Owners, but not over delegation; that is, if the permission owner has a delegate, the delegate will be the reviewer.