Ensure that powershell is up to date and installed on your server (odds are it is). For more info, please refer to this documentation
Ensure that you have Admin access to the Microsoft server containing your domain controller, along with admin access to Zilla.
We require a service account on Active Directory with domain user access that will be used to export user data from AD.
We require an SSH Public/Private RSA Key to be made. To do this:
Run the following command. Do not add a passphrase to the key. This is not supported at this time:
Code Block ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f '/home/...'
This will generate a public/private key in the filepath that you defined. Be sure to include the name of the key pair at the end of the filepath. If you didn’t define a path, it will be stored at
with the nameid_rsa
If you are using Zilla’s sFTP server, you will need to provide the public key to you Zilla Technical Contact. You can also email support@zillasecurity.com to open a ticket and request an sFTP server. Be sure to include the public key file in the request.
take note of the filepath for the private key for later configuration.
You will need to request an sFTP server be created by Zilla (recommended) or have your own sFTP server. You can ask your Zilla Technical Resource (Sales Engineer or Customer Success Engineer) or submit a request by emailing support@zillasecurity.com. You must provide us with the public key file for us to create this server. To Access the sFTP Server, you will use the following:
Username: This is the domain corresponding to your zilla tenant. You can verify find this inside of the global settings of your zilla tenant. It will be the first domain listed under Your Domains. In the tenant within the screenshot below, my sFTP username would be