Collection Name


Foreign Key(s)


This collection stores the details of different types of Jobs supported in Zilla. The details mentioned below: Scheduled Jobs


This collection stores data for all the created campaigns

__t: The type of campaign, either OwnerReviewCampaign or SupervisoryReviewCampaign

appCount: The number of apps being reviewed in the campaign

apps: Array of the app ids being reviewed in the campaign

appsFilter: Object containing filters used for the applications selected to be in the campaign

createdOn: The date the campaign was first created

creator: The id of the user record that created the campaign

customMessage: A customized message that should be used when sending out the campaign

description: The campaign description

dueOn: The date the campaign is due by

generatedOn: The last date that the campaign was generated (or regenerated)

name: The name of the campaign

reviewerCount: The number of reviewers for the campaign

state: The current state of the campaign (created, populated, running, completed)

startedOn: The date the campaign was kicked off

tenantId: The id of the tenant the campaign is for

userCount: The number of users being reviewed in the campaign

userFilter: Object containing filters used for the users selected to be in the campaign

apps.{index} = inventoryentries._id

creator = zillausers._id

tenantId = tenantrecords._id


This collection stores all the details of the Application added on the Zilla Platform. This includes ownership, config details, CSV column mappings, etc.

_id: Application Id, links to appId fields on other collections

__t: Flag to mark whether the app is known or custom (will either be set to CustomAppInventoryEntry or SaasInventoryEntry

displayName: The name we use to display the application

name: The name of the application

ownership: Object that contains the _ids of the tech owner, business owner, and any additional owners

tenantId: Links back the tenant ID (tenantRecords._id)

Below applies to custom apps only! For non-custom apps, these configs can be found in the saaslibraryentries collection by searching for the document where =

saasLibraryEntry.libraryData.description: The description of the app

saasLibraryEntry.libraryData.imageLink: The image to use for the app icon

tenantId = tenantrecords._id

ownership.businessOwner = zillausers._id

ownership.techOwner = zillausers._id

name = (when __t = 'SaasInventoryEntry')


The Sync now Job in the Agenda Jobs has a pointer to the Sync Histories collection. The sync history has the detail of that sync run, and also the Sync Steps which summarizes the data that was synced


This collection stores all the Zilla tenants, along with their tenant level settings/configurations

domain: The domain name of the tenant

displayName: The name we use to display the tenant record

isDemoMode: flag to indicate the tenant is in demo mode

isPocTenant: Designates if this tenant is a POC

ssoProviderConfigs: Contains details for the tenant’s SSO(s)

superadmin: The email address of the tenant’s superadmin user

superadmin =


This collection stores all of the application accounts found during syncs

accountId: The id we are using to uniquely identify the account (i.e. their email address)

accountType: Designates the type of account (Api, Bot, Customer, Guest, Service, Shared, User)

appId: The application id to which the account is associated to

appName: The name of the application to which the account is associated to

email: The email address of the account

lastLoggedIn: The last time the account was logged into the application

mfaStatus: The MFA status of the account

permissions: Array containing all the permissions associated with the account

privileged: Boolean flag indicating if the account is privileged

status: The account status, can be active or inactive

tenantId: The id of the tenant the app account belongs to

user: The id of the user that the account is mapped to

userDetails: Object containing the account metadata like name, department, title, etc.

appId = inventoryentries._id

user = zillausers._id


This collection stores all of the user records identified for the tenant (user records are created by the tenant’s directory application)

_id: The user id, links to user fields on other collections

allEmails: Array containing all email addresses that have been associated to the user

displayName: The name used to display the user

email: The email address of the user record

hasManager: Boolean flag indicating if the user has a manager, if true then the manager field will be populated

lastSeenSyncContext: Object containing details about the last sync this user was detected on

manager: The manager of the user (only applicable when hasManager = true)

status: The status of the user, can be active or inactive

tenantId: The id of the tenant this user belongs to

tenantId = tenantrecords._id

_id = zillaaccounts.user