Step 1. Navigate to your TestRail instance in your library. Click Sync now in the top right corner. This pop-up should appear, click on the slider below Browser Extension to enable it.
Step 2. Login to TestRail in a new browser window, click ADMINISTRATION in the top right corner and select Users & Roles. Copy the URL and paste it into Zilla TestRail - Integration Configuration dialog.
Step 3. Click Next
Step 4. This popup will appear, read the instructions and then click Launch TestRail
Step 5. Click the browser extension icon located in the upper right of the window. Select the USERS tab on the left of the Users & Roles TestRail page, then click Send
in the browser extension dialog.
Step 6: Select the GROUPS tab and select the individual group.
Step 7: Click Send
Step 8: Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all groups are sent.
Step 9. On Zilla Security page, click Done