PO Box support in Azure - Deployment playbook
This playbook provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an Azure deployment for the PO Box. It includes creating an App Registration, setting up a storage account and file share, and deploying an Azure Container Instance (ACI) with necessary configurations.
Azure CLI installed and configured on your machine.
Azure subscription and resource group inside the subscription
Necessary permissions in the Azure subscription to create resources.
Zilla token provided by Customer Success team
Azure container registry login server and image name provided by Customer Success team
Deployment Options
Zilla provides the following mechanisms to allow you to deploy PO BOX to your Azure environment
Option 1: Using Azure portal
This option provides a step by step guide on how to use the Azure Portal to set up the resources required to deploy PO BOX to your environment
Step 1: Create App Registration
Login to Azure portal with admin user and click on create a resource
and search of App Registration -> New registration
Fill the above details and click Register
Store Application (client) ID
for later use. You will also need to share this Application (client) ID
with Customer Success team of Zilla so that they can allow the app to pull the image automatically later.
Step 2: Add Client Secret
Navigate to Manage
-> Certificates & secrets
and click on New client secret
Add Description and set Expires and click on Add
Keep clientSecret
secret secure, as it will be used to authenticate the application.
You will not be able to retrieve this secret again after this step.Step 3: Create Storage Account
Step 3: Create Storage Account
Create an Azure Storage Account to store the Zilla token provided by CS team
Login to Azure portal with admin user and click on create a resource
and search of `Storage accounts`
and click on Create
Fill the required details and click on Review + create
Review the details and click on Create
Once deployment is done. Click on Go to reosurce
Step 4: Create File Share
Navigate to Data storage
→ File shares
Click on + File share
to add new file share
Add New file share name and details and click on Review + create
Step 5: Create Zilla Directory and Upload Token
Once create, navigate to Browse
→ Add dirctory
named Zilla
Create two directories named pobox-config
and pobox-output
under Zilla
and upload Zilla API key provided by Customer Support team inside pobox-config
Step 6: Create Azure Container Instance
Above created app registration should be authenticated as per Step 4 and given AcrPull
access to repository by Customer Success team
Deploy an Azure Container Instance and mount the file share created earlier.
az container create \
--resource-group <resource group name> \
--name <Azure container instance name> \
--image 'zillapobox.azurecr.io/zinc:latest' \
--restart-policy OnFailure \
--environment-variables ZILLA_URL='https://app.zillasecurity.com' \
TENANT_DOMAIN='<your Zilla tenant domain>' \
SECRETS_DIRECTORY_PATH='/mnt/Zilla/pobox-config' \
STORAGE_DIRECTORY_PATH='/mnt/Zilla/pobox-output' \
--registry-login-server <registry login server> \
--registry-username <registry user name> \
--registry-password '<registry password>' \
--azure-file-volume-share-name zilla-pobox-volume \
--azure-file-volume-account-name <Azure storage account name> \
--azure-file-volume-account-key '<Azure storage account access key>' \
--azure-file-volume-mount-path /mnt
: zillapobox.azurecr.io/zinc:latest
registry login server
: zillapobox.azurecr.io
registry user name
: Application Id noted in Step 1
registry password
: Secret noted in Step 2
Azure storage account name
: Secret noted in Step 3
Azure storage account access key
: Can be obtained from Storage Account | Security + Networking | Access Keys
Step 7: Create Logic app to restart container
Create a logic app to restart a container every 24 hours to pull latest zinc image
Login to Azure portal with admin user and click on create a resource
and search of Logic Apps
and click on Add
Select hosting option and proceed
Fill the details and click Review and create
Once deployed click on Go to resource
Navigate to Development Tools
→ Logic app designer
→ Add a trigger
and search for Recurrence
Click on Trigger
Fill the details as per daily ACI restart time
Add and action
against the trigger
Search for Container instance
and select action Start containers in a container group
Sign in
and fill the details of container instance
the trigger and action.
Run history can be monitored to check the logs
Option 2: Execute CLI commands
This option requires you to execute the following commands (in order) to set up the resources required to deploy PO BOX to your environment
Step 1: Create App Registration
Create a new App Registration in your Azure Active Directory. This will enable authentication for your application. This app will be given acrPull
role to pull latest ZINC image
az ad app create --display-name "zilla-pobox-<tenant name>" \
--sign-in-audience "AzureADMultipleOrgs" \
--web-redirect-uris "https://app.zillasecurity.com"
--query "appId" --output tsv
Replace <tenant-name>
with your actual tenant name or domain.
Store Application (client) ID
for later use. You will also need to share this Application (client) ID
with Customer Success team of Zilla so that they can allow the app to pull the image automatically later.
Step 2: Add Client Secret
Generate a client secret (password) for the App Registration. This secret will be used for authentication.
clientSecret=$(az ad app credential reset --id "$appId" \
--append --display-name "password" \
--query "password" --output tsv)
echo "Client Secret: $clientSecret"
Keep clientSecret
secret secure, as it will be used to authenticate the application.
You will not be able to retrieve this secret again after this step.
Step 3: Create Storage Account
Create an Azure Storage Account to store the Zilla token provided by CS team
Replace <resource group name>
with your actual resource group name
Make sure it exists or create it if necessary.
Step 4: Create File Share
Create a file share within the storage account to store the Zilla token.
File Share Name: This name will be used to mount the file share later.
Step 5: Create Zilla Directory and Upload Token
Create a directory in the file share and upload the Zilla token provided by the Customer Success team.
Step 6: Create Azure Container Instance
Above created app registration should be authenticated as per Step 4 and given AcrPull
access to repository by CS team
Deploy an Azure Container Instance and mount the file share created earlier.
: Use the App registration Id
from Step 1.
: Use the App registration password
from Step 2.
Step 7: Create Logic app to restart container
This step needs to be done manually. Refer to Step 6: Create Logic app to restart container.
Option 3: Execute Power-shell script
This option allows you to use the Powershell scripts supplied by Zilla to quickly set up the resources required to deploy PO BOX to your environment
Prerequisite: Powershell must be installed in the instance
Powershell must be installed in your instance to execute Powershell scripts. You can download it from the official Microsoft site.
Step 1: Login to Azure
Login to Azure using command: az login
Step 2: Select the subscription
You will be prompted to select the subscription in which want to create resources. Here is a sample screenshot
Step 3: Run createAppRegistration.ps1 (attached)
Before running the createAppRegistration.ps1
script, ensure the config_createAappRegistration.json
(attached) file is set up with the necessary values. This file should include any parameters required for the App Registration process.
Open PowerShell and navigate to the directory where the
script is located.Execute the script by running the following command:
The script will create an App Registration in Azure and mount the necessary storage.
Once the createAppRegistration.ps1
script has completed, you will need to update the config_aci.json
file (attached) to include the app registration Id and secret generated in this previous step.
Also, the Customer Success team needs to Authorise the application created above so that it can access Zilla’s Azure Container Registry for which they will need the app registration id
Refer to readme.txt file under the folder azure
share by Customer Success team and execute Powershell script as guided
Step 4: Run createACI.ps1 (attached)
Before running the
script, ensure theconfig_createACI.json
(attached) file is set up with the necessary values.
Open PowerShell and navigate to the directory where the
script is located.Execute the script by running the following command:
After following the above steps, you should have successfully created an Azure App Registration and an Azure Container Instance.
Make sure to check the Azure portal for confirmation of above created resources.
Step 5: Create Logic app to restart container
This step needs to be done manually. Refer to Step 6: Create Logic app to restart container.