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Deploy an Azure Container Instance and mount the file share created earlier.

Code Block
az container create \  
  --resource-group test_resource_group<resource group name> \
  --name zillapobox \
  --image <Image name provided by zilla> \ 
  --restart-policy OnFailure \
  --environment-variables ZILLA_URL='' \
                        TENANT_DOMAIN='<tenant domain name>' \ #tenant domain
                        POLLING_INTERVAL='30' \
                        SEND_LOGS_TO_BACKEND='true' \
                        USE_FILE_SYSTEM='true' \
                        SECRETS_DIRECTORY_PATH='/mnt/Zilla/pobox-config' \
                        STORAGE_DIRECTORY_PATH='/mnt/Zilla/pobox-output' \
  --registry-login-server <registry name provided by zilla> \ 
  --registry-username <App registration Id> \ 
  --registry-password <App registration password> \ 
  --azure-file-volume-share-name zilla-pobox-volume \
  --azure-file-volume-account-name zillapoboxstorage \
  --azure-file-volume-account-key <Access key for storage account >
  --azure-file-volume-mount-path /mnt/Zilla
