


Profiles and Profile Grants are designed to improve efficiency by allowing data owners to pre-approve user permissions based on users' attributes. They enable more streamlined and accurate user onboarding as well as reducing the volume of permissions that must be individually reviewed in access reviews. Profile grants can be either birthright or suggested level, giving administrators more control over which permissions are provisioned during onboarding. Both birthright and suggested profile grants can be used to pre-approve permissions in an access review.


Profile: A collection of users defined by a combination of one or more attributes in your organization, such as Department=Engineering & Title=Engineer. A user may be associated with zero or more profiles, and there may also be a profile for All Users.

Profile grant: A permission matching a specific profile definition like: Department=Engineering & Permission=Github Members. Grants will be recommended by Zilla based on a high percentage of profile users already having the permission. The application or permission owner may activate a recommended profile grant.

Birthright level: Indicates that all users in the profile should have the permission.

Suggested level: Indicates that all users in the profile may have the permission.

Profile grant states:

  • New: Grants suggested by Zilla but not yet activated.

  • Activated: Grants that are used for onboarding and access reviews.

  • Deactivated: Grants that are no longer used.

Profile actions:

  • Activate Grant - Makes profile grants eligible for onboarding and access reviews.

  • Deactivate Grant - Deactivated grants will not be used for onboarding nor access reviews.

  • Reassign Approver - By default, the permission owner or the Business Owner of the permission’s application is the approver of the profile grant. Reassignment can be to any other owner (business, technical, additional) of the relevant application.

  • Edit Level - Zilla’s suggestion of either birthright or suggested can be overridden.

Generating Profiles

The Zilla administrator initiates profile generation. Zilla uses machine learning to analyze the tenant’s data to recommend a collection of profiles each with one or more profile grants. Profile grants originate in the New state and must be activated before they can be used in an access review or for provisioning. By default, an application or permission owner is responsible for reviewing and activating profile grants, but Zilla admins can also activate.

See How to Generate Profiles for a step-by-step guide.

Reviewing New Profiles

When Profile generation completes, the profiles will be presented in a table on the Profiles page along with summary information. See below for details.


(1) Profiles grants can be viewed in several different ways: By Profile, By Application, List.

(2) Active User Permissions: Displays the count of permissions across all accessible applications that are mapped to active users.

(3) Total Grants: Displays the total number of grants by state. See state definitions in Terminology.

(4) Total Profiles: Shows the average number of profile grants per profile and the number of applications with profiles.

(6) Search and Filter provides the ability to search the profiles and filter by Profile and Last Updated.

(5) The Profile table includes the following columns:

  • Profile: User attributes shared by a population of users.

  • Users: Number of users matching the profile.

  • New/Active Grants: Number of profile grants within the profile by state.

  • Last Updated: Displays when this profile grant’s status was last updated.

  • Actions: Click View to see a list of grants for the profile to take an action. See actions definitions in Terminology.

Activating New Profile Grants

Before a profile grant can be used by the Zilla application in either onboarding or user access reviews, it needs to be activated. Activation is the responsibility of the Application’s Technical Owner (by default) but any admin can also activate a profile grant.

See How to Activate Profile Grants for a step-by-step guide.

Changing the Level of Profile Grants

Make sure the Level of the profile grants meets the needs of the organization. Both birthright and suggested levels are pre-approved for access reviews and provisioning. The difference between the two is seen with provisioning. Birthright level permissions can all be assigned together in a policy action but suggested level permissions need to be requested separately. Level accuracy is the responsibility of the Application’s Technical Owner (by default) but any admin can also activate a profile grant.

See How to Change the Level of a Profile Grant for a step-by-step guide.

Customizing Profile Generation

After the initial profile generation, the administrator can re-generate profiles at any time and specify the scope in terms of the population and which demographic values to use. The user demographic fields available to choose from are based on the tenant's collected user metadata. In order to be included, the field must be collected and populated. The administrator can also change the system defaults regarding minimum quality and population of profiles.

See How to Customize Profile Generation for a step-by-step guide.

TBD - reference documentation for using Profiles in an Access Review as well as Provisioning.

Taking Action on Profile Grants in Batches

In addition to taking action on individual profile grants, Zilla provides the ability to take action on a filtered set of profile grants. Users can activate grants, deactivate grants, reassign approvers and edit the level for the set of profile grants.

See How to Take Action on Profile Grants in Batches for a step-by-step guide.

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