Using SFTP to Sync Data with Zilla

Using SFTP to Sync Data with Zilla

This document steps through the process of configuring an application to use SFTP for importing accounts and permissions, as an alternative to manual CSV upload.

Note: To use automated SFTP, first perform an initial sync by uploading a CSV file and configuring column mappings. Steps to perform a manual CSV Upload can be found here: CSV upload - application data - Zilla-Support - Confluence (atlassian.net)

As a customer, you or your application vendors may provide an SFTP server. In this case, uploading files to the server will be handled by you. A separate Zilla user must be provisioned on your server so that Zilla can download the files over SFTP. The user can be provisioned using Zilla’s public key (provided below), or with a password. Zilla will connect from one of the following public ip address.

Zilla URL

Source Ipaddress


Zilla URL

Source Ipaddress



Tenants hosted in USA


Tenants hosted in EU


Tenants hosted in
Australia/New Zeland


Tenants hosted in UK


Staging/Test environment

ssh-rsa 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 ftp@zillasecurity.com


Alternatively, you or your application vendors may use Zilla’s SFTP server at sftp.zillasecurity.com. Please work with Zilla support at support@zillasecurity.com to request user provisioning. You or your application vendor will need to generate an ssh key pair and will need to provide the public key to Zilla support (Zilla provided SFTP does not support password authentication). Depending on your requirements, ZIlla may provision a user per Zilla app instance, or a user that is global for your tenant. When using a global user, you must upload files to a root folder starting with the app id (see screenshot for determining the app id).


Username in screenshot below “tenant” will usually be your primary domain name. Please confirm with Zilla Support Provisioning. (I.e. domain.com@ftp.zillasecurity.com)

# global sftp user example sftp tenant@sftp.zillasecurity.com PUT permissions.csv 620009c21a05d00f399bb148/permissions.csv # app specific user example sftp tenant-app1@sftp.zillasecurity.com PUT permissions.csv


Determining app id for an app instance in Zilla


Once the SFTP server is established, enter the configuration into the Zilla app instance by clicking on the gear icon.

Note: For details on scheduling syncs using the Frequency option, see Scheduling an automated sync.

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