CSV upload - application data
This document steps through the process of uploading your accounts and permissions for applications to Zilla via our CSV upload feature.
Zilla adapts to your CSV format with flexible mappings. We believe that CSV files should not be modified, as they can result in compliance failures around accuracy/completeness, and chain of custody. There is no need for you to rename your column headers, or match our attribute names. Simply select the attributes in your document that should correspond to Zilla attributes.
Note: This walk-through is intended as a guide for application CSV uploads and not directory CSV uploads. For directory CSV uploads, visit here: CSV upload - directory - Zilla-Support - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Video Instructions
Step by Step Walkthrough:
Step 1.
Click on the gear icon at the top right corner just left to sync now
Step 2.
Click on Show Alternate Configuration Options
Step 3.
Enable Accounts & Permissions CSV File Upload
Step 4.
Click on Sync now
and then use the file browser to find your CSV.
Note: When importing a CSV that has special circumstances, use the advanced options to specify what separator you use in place of a comma.
Step 5.
Click Upload
Step 6.
Note: Use Advanced Options If:
Individual permissions are separated by a character other than a comma.
Permissions are listed in multiple columns in your CSV.
Permissions are listed as separate columns in your CSV.
The value you use to indicate an active account is something other than “Yes” or “Active”.
Previously collected accounts missing in the CSV upload should be marked “Inactive”.
The CSV contains resources. For details on syncing resources via a CSV upload, see Application Resources.
Step 7.
Preview the mapped data. Click Import
to bring your data into Zilla. Zilla will remember the correct mapping the next time a CSV is uploaded for this application.
Step 8.
Once the sync is complete, accounts are listed in the Accounts tab with their permissions in the Permissions tab.