CSV upload - directory
This document steps through the process of uploading your directory to Zilla via our CSV directory upload feature.
Note: This feature is available when an application is designated as a directory.
Step 1.
Click on the application which you designated as your directory.
Note: The application which you designate as your directory will show up in the applications list with a Dir badge.
Step 2.
You will see a detailed application instance page. Click Sync now
in the top right corner, a dialog appears, enable Directory CSV file upload and click Next
Step 3.
Click Browse
then find and select the Directory data CSV you wish to upload.
Step 4.
Once you have selected a Directory data CSV file, click Upload
Step 5.
Advanced Options: If your CSV uses special keywords to identify active accounts please enter them into the advanced options, all other rows will be marked as 'INACTIVE'.
Once you have verified the CSV column mapping click Next
Step 6.
If all rows are valid and all data looks acceptable, click Import
to bring this data into Zilla.
Step 7.
Once you have imported your data, you may visit the 'Users' tab to review your imported data.