Troubleshooting Lucidchart Sync Failure

Troubleshooting Lucidchart Sync Failure

Error Code

Possible Causes

Error Code

Possible Causes


An admin on the Lucid account may have disabled access to your OAuth2 client.


The provided scopes may not be valid for the requested token type.

HTTP Status

Error Code


HTTP Status

Error Code


400 Bad Request


This could be due to API error, please contact support@zillasecurity.com.

400 Bad Request


This could be due to API error, please contact support@zillasecurity.com.

401 Unauthorized


This could be due to expired access token or the user trying to sync does not have admin or owner access to Lucidchart’s account. Try reauthenticating by clicking the gear icon on the application details page in Zilla and checking the box to reauthenticate, click Sync Now. If the issue still persists, contact your admin for the right access.

403 Forbidden


This error could be due to insufficient scopes, please ensure that the scopes provided for the zilla connector are the same as mentioned in this document.

404 Not Found


Resource not found, please contact support@zillasecurity.com.

429 Too Many Requests


The requests received have exceeded the allowed rate limit. Resync after some time, if issue still persists please contact support@zillasecurity.com.

500 Internal Server Error


An unknown error occurred. Resync after some time, if issue still persists please contact support@zillasecurity.com.