

Obtaining the required configs from OneTrust

  1. Log in to your OneTrust account.

  2. Click on the Administration tab located in the top menu bar.

  3. From the dropdown menu, select API Access.

  4. Click on New Client.

  5. Fill out the required fields for your new client including the name, description, and SCIM User Provisioning in the scopes.

  6. Click Generate next to the Client Secret field to create a new client secret.

  7. Click Save to save your new client and generate the client ID and secret.

  8. To get your OneTrust domain, login to your OneTrust portal. For example, if your URL was https://zilla.onetrust.com/ then zilla will be your OneTrust domain.

Setup OneTrust Application Integration on Zilla

  1. Visit Zilla application and login using your admin credentials and then click Add Application in the top right.


  2. A window with a search bar appears, type in OneTrust in the search bar and hit enter. OneTrust app entry will appear at the top of the list, click Add to Applications to the right.


  3. Fill in the form with appropriate details and then click Add to Applications.


  4. The OneTrust app will be added to the Applications tab section, click on it.


  5. A detailed view of OneTrust application appears. Click Sync now in top right corner.


  6. Enable API Integration. Enter the OneTrust domain, Client ID and Client Secret obtained in earlier steps in the respective boxes and click Next.


  7. Click Next and the sync will start.


Note: due to an known issue with OneTrust, the API resource does not return users' roles. More details can be found here on OneTrust Ideas Portal.