

Create Connected App

  1. Login in to your salesforce account.


  2. Click on the setup (gear) icon on top right to go to Setup Home.

  3. Go to PLATFORM TOOLS → Apps → App Manager from the left hand side menu or search App Manager on the search bar.


  4. Click on New Connected App button on the top-right to create a new connected app for Zilla to use. Fill in basic information.


  5. Fill in API (Enable OAuth Settings). Click the checkbox for “Enable OAuth Settings”. Enter this URL: https://app.zillasecurity.com/api/auth/callback/salesforce (if you use a non-US URL then replace ‘app’ with what’s in your specific Zilla login URL e.g. eu, anz, uk) into the Callback URL field, and select the scopes shown in screenshot and then click save . Click Continue on the next page.


  6. Once the details appear, make sure that Consumer Key and Consumer Secret have been created and save them for a later step.


  7. Uncheck Require Proof Key for Code Exchange

  1. Navigate to Manage Consumer Details

  1. Login into Zilla with your admin credentials.

  1. You will land on the Applications page. Click Add Application.

  1. Search for Salesforce in the search bar and click Add to Applications.

  1. Fill in the form and click Add to Applications.



  1. Salesforce application instance will show up on the Applications page.



  1. Click the Salesforce application instance. You will be redirected to the application details page. Click the gear icon to configure the application.



  1. The application configuration screen will appear.



  1. Enable API Integration and enter the configuration details:


    1. Salesforce OAuth Domain: For sandbox accounts, this will be test.salesforce.com For regular accounts, this will be login.salesforce.com

    2. Salesforce Lightning Domain: Navigate to Settings -> Setup -> Company Settings -> My Domain -> My Domain Settings -> Current My Domain URL to get the lightning domain URL

    3. Salesforce Consumer Key: From step 6

    4. Salesforce Consumer Secret: From step 6

    5. User Type: Specify the user type(s) for which data sync will occur. To sync data for multiple user types simply provide a comma-separated list of user types e.g. Standard, CSN only. If no user type is specified, then all user types will be synced.

    6. Sync Groups: Specify whether you want to sync Salesforce groups or not, default is Yes.

    7. Sync Permission Set Groups: Specify whether you want to sync Salesforce Permission Set Groups or not, default is Yes.


Note: When “Sync Permission Set Groups” set to Yes, we bring in Permission Set Groups as Permission Set in Zilla which will be hyperlinked and other Permission Sets will not be hyperlinked. Example as shown in below screenshot.



  1. If you receive this error, then you have PKCE turned on at the app or Global level:

Use this guide to ensure that PKCE is turned off at a Global level, and check the app to make sure that using PKCE is toggled off at the app level:

  1. Click Sync Now. You should see an OAUTH Screen like this. Review the scopes, and select Allow. If everything is setup correctly, your Salesforce sync should start. If you see an error message, contact Zilla support.


  2. If you see an error like this:

    2021-05-17T15:19:50 FetchError-request to https://zsec-dev-ed.force.com/services/data/v50.0/query?q=SELECT+Id,Email,Name,Profile.name+from+User+ORDER+BY+Name failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND zsec-dev-ed.force.com for url=undefined [ { appId: '6086dd2ca9dc218378f93e5a', name: 'salesforce' } ] 2021-05-17T15:19:50 attemptNumber=1 retriesLeft=5 [ { appId: '6086dd2ca9dc218378f93e5a', name: 'salesforce' } ] 2021-05-17T15:19:50 ::ffff: - - "GET /api/service/status HTTP/1.1" 200 0.462 106 "-" "ELB-HealthChecker/2.0" 2021-05-17T15:19:51 ::ffff: - - "GET /api/service/status HTTP/1.1" 200 0.440 106 "-" "ELB-HealthChecker/2.0" 2021-05-17T15:19:52 FetchError-request to https://zsec-dev-ed.force.com/services/data/v50.0/query?q=SELECT+Id,Email,Name,Profile.name+from+User+ORDER+BY+Name failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND zsec-dev-ed.force.com for url=undefined [ { appId: '6086dd2ca9dc218378f93e5a', name: 'salesforce' } ] 2021-05-17T15:19:52 attemptNumber=2 retriesLeft=4 [ { appId: '6086dd2ca9dc218378f93e5a', name: 'salesforce' } ] 2021-05-17T15:19:53 ::ffff: - - "GET /api/service/status HTTP/1.1" 200 0.273 106 "-" "ELB-HealthChecker/2.0" 2021-05-17T15:19:57 FetchError-request to https://zsec-dev-ed.force.com/services/data/v50.0/query?q=SELECT+Id,Email,Name,Profile.name+from+User+ORDER+BY+Name failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND zsec-dev-ed.force.com for url=undefined [ { appId: '6086dd2ca9dc218378f93e5a', name: 'salesforce' } ] 2021-05-17T15:19:57 attemptNumber=3 retriesLeft=3 [ { appId: '6086dd2ca9dc218378f93e5a', name: 'salesforce' } ] 2021-05-17T15:20:06 FetchError-request to https://zsec-dev-ed.force.com/services/data/v50.0/query?q=SELECT+Id,Email,Name,Profile.name+from+User+ORDER+BY+Name failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND zsec-dev-ed.force.com for url=undefined [ { appId: '6086dd2ca9dc218378f93e5a', name: 'salesforce' } ]

    This may be because the Salesforce Lightning Domain is configured incorrectly. Try adding or dropping the word lightning before force.com

Reference Links:

Salesforce Connected App

Create Connected App


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