Oracle PeopleSoft

Oracle PeopleSoft


This document provides instructions on how to add the Oracle PeopleSoft application to your Zilla instance.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Login to Zilla with Admin credentials.

  2. Click Add Application on the top right corner.

  1. A window with a search bar appears, type in PeopleSoft in the search bar. Oracle PeopleSoft application entry will appear at the top of the list, click Add to Applications button to the right.

  1. Fill in the form with appropriate details and click Add to Applications button.

  1. An instance of the Oracle PeopleSoft app will have been added to the Applications tab, and you should be automatically brought to a detailed view of the Oracle PeopleSoft application.

  1. Contact Zilla Support at support@zillasecurity.com for assistance with getting a sync integration configured for Oracle PeopleSoft, as the process will differ depending on your version.


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