
1. Create Role

  • Login to your Snowflake account and switch role to ACCOUNTADMIN.

  • Click on Account tab.


  • Go to Roles tab and click on Create icon.


  • Create a Role by entering a Name and selecting Parent Role, then click Finish.

2. Create User

  • Go to Users tab and click on Create icon.


  • In General section enter User Name and Password details. ZILLAREADERUSER is an example, you can choose any name you want. Note down the User Name for later steps. Click Next.


  • In Advanced section fill in the details, see Note below.

    Note: Login Name should be the User Name provided in the General section, Email should be an email address from your organization, is just an example. Click Next.

  • In Preferences section, select the role created in “1. Create Role” section above as Default Role and click Finish.

3. Create Key Pair Authentication for the User

a. Generate the Private Key

To generate an unencrypted version, use the following command:

$ openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8 -nocrypt

To generate an encrypted version, use the following command (which omits “-nocrypt”):

$ openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8

b. Generate a Public Key

$ openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out

c. Store the Private and Public Keys Securely: Store these sensitive keys securely so that no one can access them.

d. Assign the Public Key to the Snowflake User (e.g., ZILLAREADERUSER) created in “2. Create User” section above, with the following SQL query:

// Execute this query to enable admin privilege so that we can modify user USE ROLE ACCOUNTADMIN;


  • Execute the following query substituting user created in “2. Create User” section above for ZILLAREADERUSER and the public key, see Note below:

// Make change to user to associate RSApublic key ALTER USER ZILLAREADERUSER SET RSA_PUBLIC_KEY='MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKC........;

Note: To print the contents of the public key type $ cat on the terminal. The public key assigned is without the beginning and end part of it, i.e., -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and -----END PUBLIC KEY----- respectively.

4. Give the Warehouse Grant Privileges to Role (ZILLAREADERROLE)

  • Navigate to the Warehouses tab and Select your Warehouse. Click on Grant Privileges.


  • Enter the Privileges to grant as USAGE and Grant privileges to role (ZILLAREADERROLE). Click Grant.

5. Give the DATABASE Grant Privileges to Role (ZILLAREADERROLE)

  • Navigate to the Worksheets tab. Write the following query on a worksheet. To summarize, this SQL statement creates a new database that contains views that pull from the primary Snowflake Database. The role and user are only granted access to these views in the new database. Substitute ZILLAREADERUSER with the User Name created in